目前的基本实现需要依赖 Playframeword 的 Modules 机制 https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.6.x/Modules . 可以自己生成 jar 放到 lib 文件夹下,参考 https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.6.x/SBTDependencies#Managing-library-dependencies
下面的例子是在源码的基础上建一个单独的子项目的方式 参考项目:https://github.com/ojlm/asura/tree/master/asura-example/
实现 trait AuthorizeAndValidate {
// 认证类型的ID, 整个系统需要唯一 val `type`: String // 描述,markdown 语法 val description: String // 数据模板,默认值,需要是 json 类型 val template: String = "{}"
// 签名逻辑实现,第一个 `request` 是原始的请求, `auth` 是本身签名算法需要的 数据,函数返回一个加密/签名后的请求 def authorize(request: HttpRequest, auth: Authorization): Future[HttpRequest]
// 本签名实现依赖的数据有效性的验证函数 def validate(auth: Authorization): BoolErrorRes}
例子 1// config 是所有的配置,自定义的配置可以添加到应用的配置文件中class ExampleAuth(config: Configuration) extends AuthorizeAndValidate { override val `type`: String = "ExampleAuth" override val description: String = """# ExampleAuth do nothing |markdown syntax """.stripMargin override val template: String = """{ | "appKey" : "", | "appSecret" : "" |} """.stripMargin
override def authorize(request: HttpRequest, auth: Authorization): Future[HttpRequest] = { Future.successful(request) } override def validate(auth: Authorization): (Boolean, String) = (true, null)}
例子 2 Basic Access Authentication定义:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication
object BasicAuth extends AuthorizeAndValidate { override val `type`: String = "Basic Auth" override val description: String = """## Basic Auth |> Add a header with the key `Authorization` and the value a string encoded by base64. | |### Example | |If the data is as below: | |```json |{ | "username" : "a", | "password": "b" |} |``` | |A header `Authorization: Basic YTpi` will be added. `YTpi` is generated by call `Base64.encode("a:b")`. | """.stripMargin override val template: String = """{ | "username" : "", | "password": "" |} """.stripMargin override def authorize(request: HttpRequest, auth: Authorization): Future[HttpRequest] = { val username = auth.data.get("username") val password = auth.data.get("password") val bytes = Base64.getEncoder.encode(s"${username.get}:${password.get}".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) val value = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) Future.successful(request.withHeaders(request.headers :+ RawHeader("Authorization", s"Basic ${value}"))) } override def validate(auth: Authorization): (Boolean, String) = { val username = auth.data.get("username") val password = auth.data.get("password") if (username.isEmpty || password.isEmpty) { (false, "username and password can't be empty") } else { (true, null) } }}
实现 trait JobNotifyFunction { /** id for every type of notification mechanism */ val `type`: String val description: String
def notify(execDesc: JobExecDesc, subscriber: JobNotify): Future[NotifyResponse]}
实现 trait Assertion {
val description = StringUtils.EMPTY val name: String // 实际值和期望值 def assert(actual: Any, expect: Any): Future[AssertResult]}
例子// 总是通过object ExampleAssertion extends Assertion {
override val name: String = "$example" override val description: String = ""
override def assert(actual: Any, expect: Any): Future[AssertResult] = { Future.successful(PassAssertResult()) }}
系统自带实现的一些 https://github.com/ojlm/asura/tree/master/asura-core/src/main/scala/asura/core/assertion